function UserManagement() { this.UserIdMin = "The user ID must be at least 6 characters long."; this.UserIdMax = "The user name cannot contain more than 30 characters."; this.PassMin = "The password must be at least 6 characters long."; this.PassMax = "The password cannot contain more than 30 characters."; this.ConfPass = "The confirm password must be same as password."; this.userAddError = "An error occurred while adding the user."; this.AuthError = "An error occurred during the login. Try again later, error:"; this.userDel = "User deleted."; this.atleastOneUser = "Select at least one user to delete."; this.atleastOneRole = "Select at least one role to delete."; this.roleDeleted = "Role Deleted."; this.userDeleted = "User Deleted."; this.deleteUserConfirmMsg = "Do you want to delete this User?"; this.deleteRoleConfirmMsg = "Do you want to delete this Role?"; this.UserPwdMinLength = "Password must have at least 6 characters."; this.UserPwdMaxLength = "Password can contain up to 30 characters."; this.confirmPassword = "The confirm password must be same as password."; this.enable = "Enabled"; this.disable = "Disabled"; this.unknown = "Unknown"; this.never = "Never"; this.addUserHelpLink = "CreateUser.htm"; this.manageUserHelpLink = "ManageUsrs.htm"; this.editUserHelpLink = "EditUser.htm"; this.addRoleHelpLink = "EMS_User_Guide.htm"; this.editRoleHelpLink = "EMS_User_Guide.htm"; this.requiredUserId = "The user ID cannot be blank."; this.invalidEmail = "Specify a valid e-mail address."; this.EmailAlreadyExist="E-mail already exist"; this.requiredEmail = "Specify a valid e-mail address."; this.requiredPassword = "Enter your password."; this.invalidDate = "Specify a valid date."; this.requiredExpiresOn = "The Expires On input cannot be blank."; this.deleteUserHdr= "Delete User"; this.DeletingRecipientfailed="Deleting Recipient failed"; this.AddingUserFailed="Adding User failed"; this.AddingEmailFailed="Adding E-mail failed"; this.alertsFailed="Updating Alerts failed"; this.expireson="Expires On";"Like"; this.createUser="Create User"; this.editUser="Edit User"; this.NotValidId="Not valid id"; this.OldPasswordNotCorrect="The old password is not correct."; this.ErrorWhileChangingPwd="Encountered an error while modifying the password."; this.userId="User ID"; this.expireson="Expires On"; this.eMail="E-mail"; this.refId1 ="Ref ID 1"; this.errorPer="Percentage cannot be greater then 100."; } function CommonMessages(){ this.saveTemplate = "You must save the custom-defined scheme before you can save the product."; this.criteriaMatch = "The number of criteria to match cannot exceed the number of selected criteria."; this.rteSRMINST_ERR_SL_UM_NOT_ALLOWED = "Error: You cannot include a V2C file containing a Product that has the locking type SL-UserMode."; this.ErrorOnly = "Error"; this.disableFormatButton = "To enable the Format button, either remove the pending updates or apply them to the key."; this.slLegacyUpdateWarning = "This update has already been applied on the key. If you want to apply it again, close and reopen this screen."; this.lblChannelPartner = "Channel Partners"; this.code = "Code"; this.cloned = "Cloned"; this.noDataFound = "No data found."; this.showing = "Showing"; this.invalidDate ="Specify date in MM-DD-YYYY format."; this.close = "Close"; this.ok ="OK"; = "Save"; this.cancel = "Cancel"; this.edit = "Edit"; this.disabled="Disabled"; this.enabled="Enabled"; this.enable="Enable"; this.disable="Disable"; this.unableToDel="Unable to Delete"; this.errorDescriptionLength="The description must not exceed 510 characters."; this.selectNamespace="Select a Product Group"; this.totalRecords = "Total Records:"; this.unableToSave = "Failed to save the data."; this.notValidSearch = "The input search is not valid."; this.deleteFtr = "Delete"; this.remove = "Remove"; this.invalidMessage = "The value provided is not valid."; this.remove = "Remove"; this.autoCompleteMaxRecords = "25"; this.invalidCustomer = "The customer name is not valid."; this.copy = "Copy"; this.AllUser="All Users"; this.noModule="Insufficient user rights. Contact the system administrator for assistance."; this.incorrectLogin="The user name or password is incorrect. Please try again."; this.contactAdminstrator="Access to your user account has been restricted. Contact the system administrator for assistance."; this.accountExpiredContactAdminstrator="Your user account has expired. Contact the system administrator for assistance."; this.yes = "Yes"; = "No"; this.savingError = "An error occurred while saving the data."; this.maxDate = "2500-12-31"; this.neverExpires = "Unlimited"; this.noLimit = "No Limit"; this.NUM_SERVERS="Number of servers cannot be greater than"; this.NUM_CLIENT_LOCKED="Number of client locked cannot be greater than"; this.VENDOR_NUM_OF_SECRETS="Number of vendor secrets cannot be greater than"; this.cannotBeGreaterThan="cannot be greater than"; this.enable="Enable"; this.disable="Disable"; this.UserIdMin = "The user ID must be at least 6 characters long."; this.deleteCnfmMsgHdr = "Are you sure?"; this.UserIdMax = "The user name cannot contain more than 30 characters."; this.PassMin = "The password must be at least 6 characters long."; this.PassMax = "The password cannot contain more than 30 characters."; this.ConfPass = "The confirm password must be same as password."; this.userAddError = "An error occurred while adding the user."; this.AuthError = "An error occurred during the login. Try again later, error:"; this.userDel = "User deleted."; this.atleastOneUser = "Select at least one user to delete."; this.atleastOneRole = "Select at least one role to delete."; this.roleDeleted = "Role Deleted."; this.userDeleted = "User Deleted."; this.totals = "Total"; this.userTblHeading = "Users"; this.roleTblHeading = "Roles"; this.namespaceTblHeading = "Product Groups"; this.productTblHeading = "Products"; this.featureTblHeading = "Features"; this.cstrTblHeading = "Customers"; this.contTblHeading = "Contacts"; this.lmTblHeading = "License Models"; this.detailsOf = "Details of"; this.areYouSure= "Are you sure?"; this.customReportHeading = "Custom Reports"; this.customReportQueryNotBlank = "Query cannot be blank"; "Name"; this.noRecordFound= "No records found."; this.deleteCustomReportConfirmMsg = "Do you want to delete this Custom Report?"; this.IncompleteLicense = "The license string is incomplete. Enter the complete license string."; this.addCustomReportHelpLink = "CustomReport.htm#Creating"; this.editCustomReportHelpLink = "EMS_User_Guide.htm"; this.pleaseUploadJasperFile= "Please upload the jasper file"; this.pleaseSelectJasperFile= "Please select the jasper file"; this.templateUploaded= "Report template uploaded successfully"; this.status = "Status"; this.reqrdFieldNotBlank= "Required field, value cannot be blank"; this.lngthCannotBGreatrThan= "Length cannot be greater than"; this.unableToCompare= "Unable to compare,no object with name"; this.incorrectFormName= "Incorrect form name!"; this.uriNotSpecified= "uri not specified!"; this.regularExpressionDidNotMatch= "Regular Expression did not match."; this.exists= "exists."; this.shouldBeSameAs= "should be same as"; this.pageSize= "Page Size"; "Page"; this.JrxmlCompile= "Error in compiling Jrxml for the reason: {0}"; this.SubmissionFailed= "Submission failed"; this.masterBatchCode= "Batch Code"; this.close= "Close"; this.notValidValue= "The value entered is not valid."; this.invalidTime = "Specify a valid time."; this.anErrorOccurred= "An Error Occurred"; this.expires="expires"; this.Delete="Delete"; this.of="of"; this.JSONParsefailed="JSON Parse failed"; this.reportFormat= "Report Format"; this.reportId="Report ID"; this.actions="Actions"; this.type="Type"; this.createdOn="Created On"; this.selectAll="Select All"; this.ftrExcludable="Excludable?"; this.loading = "Loading"; this.sortAsc= "Click to sort ascending"; this.sortDesc= "Click to sort descending"; "Help"; this.perpetual= "Perpetual"; this.Provisional_Perpetual= "Perpetual"; this.Provisional_TimePeriod= "Time Period"; this.timePeriod= "Time Period"; this.executionCnt= "Execution Count"; this.expDate= "Expiration Date"; this.dataLoad= "Please wait until the data is fully loaded."; this.modification= "Modification"; this.Provisional= "Unlocked"; this.Cancellation= "Cancellation"; this.blankLength= "Length cannot be left Blank"; this.blankName= "Name cannot be left Blank"; this.LICENSE_TYPE= "License Type"; this.ENABLE_CONCURRENCY= "Concurrency Enable"; this.CONCURRENT_INSTANCES= "Concurrent Instances"; this.COUNT_CRITERIA= "Count Each"; this.Accessibility= "Accessibility"; this.REMOTE_DESKTOP_ACCESS= "Remote Desktop"; this.NETWORK_ENABLED= "Network Enabled"; this.EXECUTION_COUNT= "Executions"; this.MAXIMUM_USAGE_LIMIT= "Executions"; this.EXPIRATION_DATE= "Expiration Date"; this.TIME_PERIOD= "Number of days"; this.DETACHABLE= "Detachable"; this.VIRTUAL_MACHINE_ACCESS= "Virtual Machine"; this.C2V= "C2V"; this.ACKNOWLEDGEMENT_REQUEST= "Acknowledgement Request"; this.PROVISIONAL_FLAG= "Provisional Flag"; this.ENFORCEMENT_TYPE= "Enforcement Type"; this.MEMORY_DATA= "Memory Data"; this.REHOST_ALLOWED= "Rehost Allowed"; this.CLEAR_BEFORE_APPLYING_UPDATE= "Clear before applying update"; this.UPGRADE_DL_KEY_ALLOWED= "Upgrade DL key allowed"; this.login= "Login"; this.Process= "Process"; this.Station= "Station"; this.USAGE_TYPE = "Usage Type"; this.START_DATE = "Start Date"; this.END_DATE = "End Date"; this.MEASUREMENT_UNIT_USAGE = "Measurement Unit(Usage)"; this.MEASUREMENT_UNIT_DURATION = "Measurement Unit(Duration)"; this.VENDOR_ATTRIBUTE = "Vendor Attribute"; this.GRACE_LIMIT = "Grace Limit"; this.count = "Count"; this.time = "Time"; this.refId1 ="Ref ID 1"; this.refId2 ="Ref ID 2"; this.productId="Product ID"; this.rehost="Rehost"; this.lockType="Lock Type"; this.COUNTING_TYPE="Counting Type"; this.CONCURRENT_LIMIT="Concurrent Limit"; this.countingTypePerLogin="Per Login"; this.countingTypePerStation="Per Identity"; this.countingTypePerIdentity="Per identity per station "; this.byvendors="Batch Codes"; this.CanBeExcluded="Can be excluded"; this.AlwaysIncluded="Always included"; this.expand = "expand"; this.collapse = "Collapse"; this.added = "Added"; this.subtracted = "Subtracted"; this.set = "Set"; this.version = "Version"; this.protectionType = "Protection Type"; this.All = "All"; this.None = "None"; this.Perpetual = "Perpetual"; this.lblNA = "NA"; this.invalidEmailId = "E-mail is not valid."; this.pleaseSelectAtleastCheck = "(You must clear at least one checkbox.)"; this.provideOneUser = "Provide at least one user or e-mail."; this.lblAM = "AM"; this.lblPM = "PM"; this.largeFileSizeError = "Combined length of memory segments must be less then or equal to the file size. "; this.memorySegmentIsNotAllowedWithSegment = "Memory segment is not allowed with 'Cancel' action."; this.addDynamicMemoryHelpLink = "Create_DynamicMemory.htm"; this.editDynamicMemoryHelpLink = "Edit_Dynamic_Memory.htm"; this.manageDynamicMemoryHelpLink = "Managing_Dynamic_Memory.htm"; this.locateDynamicMemoryHelpLink = "Create_DynamicMemory.htm#Locate_Button"; this.memNewSegmentLink = "Create_DynamicMemory.htm#New_Mem_Seg"; this.msgRemoveAllPendingSuccess = "All pending updates removed successfully"; this.errRemoveAllPending = "Error removing pending updates"; this.msgForceAllPendingSuccess = "Key is synchronize with database"; this.errForceAllPending = "Error synchronizing with database"; this.pendingUpdates = "Pending Updates."; this.msgFormattingKey = "Formatting key..."; this.msgKeyFormattedSuccessfuly = "Key formatted successfully"; this.msgErrorFormattingKey = "Error formatting key"; this.msgFailedActivationContactIsv = "Contact your EMS administrator."; this.msgRecycleFailed = "Recycle Failed"; this.msgRecycleFailedstatus = "Recycle Failed with status code:"; this.msgRecycleSuccess = "Recycled Successfully"; this.noKeysSelected = "No Sentinel Key Selected"; this.readyToRecycle = "Ready To Recycle"; this.processing = "Processing......"; this.licenseBurned = "License burned successfully."; this.gettingKeyDetails = "Getting Key Details..."; this.readyToBurn = "Ready to Burn"; this.burnFailed = "Burn Failed"; = "ID"; this.entitlementId="Entitlement ID"; this.productKey = "Product Key"; this.haspId = "Key ID"; this.batch = "Batch"; this.keyType = "Key Type"; this.vClockTime = "vclockTime"; this.fileName = "File Name"; this.urlCorsWarning = "Download and install the Latest RTE Installer"; this.urlCorsWarning1 = "Access Admin Control Center"; this.urlCorsWarning2 = "and enter the enclosed"; this.urlCorsWarning3 = "URL in the EMS URL text box under the Network tab. "; this.urlCorsWarningCustPortal = "Download and install the Latest RTE Installer by clicking here"; this.msgFailedActivation2 = "Activation failed "; this.msgSuccessActivation = "Activation installed successfully"; this.capActivating = "Activating..."; this.msgMergeFiles = "Some of the files have the same hasp id, Please upload the updated C2V File."; this.exe = "EXE"; this.dll = "DLL"; this.memory = "Memory"; this.fileId = "File ID"; this.depletedMailSub = "The battery in our Master key is nearly depleted. Please send a replacement key."; this.depletedMailBody1 = "Key information:"; this.updatedBodyMail = "** Customer details **\n-Contact email: \n-Company name:\n-Contact name:\n-Contact phone number: \n\n** Shipping address **\n-Company name:\n-Address:\n-City:\n-State:\n-Country:\n-Contact name:\n-Phone number: \n\n** Keys for replacement **"; this.updatedBodyMail1 = "\n-Type of Key: Master key\n-Batch code: [Batch code, dynamically added by EMS]\n-Key ID: "; this.updatedBodyMail2 = "Instructions to the customer: To obtain your replacement key, provide all requested information below: \n\n"; this.Contact_Email_Id = "Contact Email ID"; this.organiationName = "Company Name"; this.contactPhoneNo = "Contact Phone Number"; this.siebelId = "Siebel ID"; this.contactShipping = "Shipping Details"; this.contactAddress = "Address"; this.contactCity = "City"; this.contactState = "State"; this.contactCountry = "Country"; this.contactName = "Contact Name"; this.contactNo = "Telephone"; this.byVendorId = "Batch Code"; this.msgFailedActivation = "Activation failed with status code :"; this.msgFailedActivationContactIsv = "Contact your EMS administrator."; this.forkeyId = "for keyId"; this.msgKeyClearTimeTamperAppliedSuccessfuly = "Time tamper is cleared successfully."; this.msgKeyClearTimeTamperFailed = "Time tamper V2C cannot be applied successfully, returned status "; this.msgMergeMultipleFiles = "Some files have different vendor code(s)."; this.comments = "Comments"; this.vlibNotFound = "Activation Failed with status:48(Vendor Library Not Found) .Contact your administrator."; this.safariWarning = "Sentinel EMS does not support Safari browser due to which the Login button is disabled. We recommend you use any of the supported web browsers (refer to Sentinel EMS LDK release notes) for accessing Sentinel EMS."; this.tar = "TAR"; this.similarHaspC2v = "You are trying to upload one or more c2v files with same HASP ID. Please cancel the operation and select the correct c2v file. Alternatively you may proceed to checkin the already uploaded C2V file."; this.msgSomeInvalidC2V = "One or more of the C2V files are invalid or empty, or relate to a non-existent Batch Code."; this.couldNotDetectKey = "Could not fetch Key information due to corrupted key or master key is not connected"; this.masterKeyFailed = "Communication with the Master key has failed"; this.noKeyConnect = "No supported key is found."; this.vendor="Vendor"; this.Batchcode="Batch Code"; this.FeatureCPNotAvil="Channel Partner module is either expired or not available in master key."; this.partnerRefrenceId="Channel Partner Ref ID"; this.keyAlreadyBurned="This update has already been burned to the key. If you want to burn it again, close and reopen this screen."; } function EntitlementMessages(){ this.addNew = "ADD NEW"; this.entitlementDetailsFor= "Entitlement Details for"; this.dateTimeNotSync = "Provide both date and time or leave both fields blank."; this.saveEntitlementError= "An error occurred while saving the entitlement details."; this.entState="EntState"; this.entStateDraft ="Draft"; this.entStateComplete ="Complete"; this.entStateDeployed ="Deployed"; this.entStateDisabled ="Disabled"; this.selectEntitlement ="Select at least one entitlement to delete."; this.selectTestEntitlement ="Select at least one test entitlement to delete."; this.unableToDeleteEntitlement = "Cannot delete the entitlement."; this.unableToDeleteTestEntitlement = "Cannot delete the test entitlement."; this.testEntitlementDeleted = "Successfully deleted the test entitlement(s)."; this.unableToCopyEntitlement = "Unable to copy the entitlement."; this.unableToCopyTestEntitlement = "Unable to copy the test entitlement."; this.entStartDateValidation = "The start date cannot be later than the end date."; this.lineItemValidEndDate = "Specify a valid end date."; this.entCreditValidation ="The credit must be greater than zero."; this.entRehostValidation ="Rehost allowed must be greater than zero."; this.entRevokeValidation = "Revocation allowed must be greater than zero."; this.entEmailValidation = "Specify a valid e-mail for the entitlement."; this.days ="(days)"; = "(day)"; this.entRechargeAmountValidation ="The recharge amount must be greater than zero."; this.entRenewAmountValidation = "The start date cannot be later than the renew date."; this.entLineItemSaveError = "An error occurred while saving the line item details."; this.entNoEntitlementFound = "No entitlement found."; this.noDataFound = "No data found."; this.selectLineItemToDelete = "Select at least one line item to delete."; this.errorDeleteLineItem = "An error occurred while deleting a line item."; this.errorSaveLineItem = "An error occurred while saving the line item details."; this.lineItemValidCost ="Specify valid cost."; this.lineItemValidEndDate = "Specify a valid end date."; this.lineItemValidStartDate ="Specify a valid start date."; this.invalidLineItem="The line item ID is not valid. Cannot update data."; this.invalidEntitlementId ="The EID is not valid. Cannot update data."; this.invalidDate ="Specify date in MM-DD-YYYY format."; this.enterLineItemEndDate = "Specify the product end date."; this.enterLineItemStartDate ="Specify the product start date."; this.enterLineItemCost="Specify the product cost."; this.lineItemStateDraft ="Draft;"; this.lineItemStateComplete ="Complete;"; this.lineItemStateDeployed ="Deployed;"; this.activationStateChangeError="An error occurred while modifying the activation state.jsVar.edit = Edit"; this.errorSendMail="Unable to send an e-mail message."; this.generateLicenseConfirmation="Are you sure you want to generate a license?"; this.edit = "Edit"; this.totalRecords = "Total Records:"; this.activate= "Activate"; = "Save"; this.cancel = "Cancel"; this.previousActivation= "Previous Activation"; this.entitlementDetails= "Entitlement Details"; this.noDataFound = "No data found."; this.change = "Change"; this.feature = "Feature"; this.enforcement = "Enforcement"; this.version = "Version"; this.licenseModel = "License Model"; this.featureId = "Feature ID"; this.loading = "Loading"; this.contactSelect = "Select at least one contact."; this.invalidCustomer = "The customer name is not valid."; this.pleaseSelectProduct = "Select a product."; this.pleaseSelectNumberOfActivations = "Select the number of activations"; this.pleaseSelectActivationCost = "Select activation cost"; this.productAlreadyPartOfEntitlement = "This product is already a part of an entitlement."; this.productKey="Product Key" this.keyId="Key ID" this.keyName="Key Name" this.pleaseSelectProductSuite = "Select a product suite."; this.LicenseModelNotSelectedForAllSelectedFeatures = "License model not selected for one or more features."; this.productSuiteAlreadyPartOfEntitlement = "This product suite is already a part of an entitlement."; this.yes = "Yes"; = "No"; this.selectExistingContactEmail = "Select existing contact"; this.savingError = "An error occurred while saving the data."; this.maxDate = "2500-12-31"; this.neverExpires = "Unlimited"; this.never = "Never"; this.permanent = "Permanent"; this.activationNotAllowed = "Activation not allowed."; this.noContactActivationNotAllowed = "No contact associated. Activation not allowed."; this.revoke = "Revoke"; this.standalone = "Stand-alone"; = "Network"; this.unableToSave = "Failed to save the data."; this.viewPreviousActivations = "View Previous Activations"; this.noAttributesFound = "No licensing attributes found."; this.featureNameAndVersion = "Feature Name and Version"; this.productNameAndVersion = "Product Name and Version"; this.product = "Product"; this.feature = "Feature"; this.ver = "Ver."; this.CLIENT_1_CRITERIA = "Client 1 criteria (in hex)"; this.CLIENT_1_INFO = "Client 1 info"; this.relicense ="Show License"; this.previousRevocations ="Previous Revocations"; this.pleaseSelectEitherPrdOrSuite="Select a Product or suite for the selected Product Group."; this.configure = "Configure"; this.requiredAttributeName="Invalid or blank attribute value."; this.pleaseOnAtleastOneFeature="Allow at least one feature"; this.errorDefaultException = "An internal error occurred. Contact the system administrator for assistance."; this.renewConfirm= "Do you want to Renew Entitlement?"; this.areYouSure= "Are you sure?"; this.deleteEntConfirm= "Do you want to delete Entitlement?"; this.remainingQuantityZeroLineItem = "Activation not allowed as remaining quantity is 0 for one of the line item selected."; this.selectLineItem = "Select line item to activate"; this.selectOneLineItem = "Select one line item"; this.selectOneLineItemRevoke = "Select one line item to revoke"; this.selectOneLineItemRenew = "Select one line item to renew"; this.quantity="Quantity"; this.remainingQuantity="Remaining Activations"; this.outOf="out of"; this.unlimited="Unlimited"; this.multiple="Multiple"; this.EID="EID"; this.RID="RID"; this.AID="AID"; this.Entitlements="Entitlements";"Total";"Page"; this.of="of"; this.startDate="Start Date"; this.endDate="End Date";"Date"; this.customerName = "Customer Name"; this.status = "Status"; this.attributesList = "Attributes List"; this.EntitlementCertificate = "Entitlement Certificate"; this.entitlementOf = "Entitlement of"; this.lineItemFeaturesHelpLink = "EMS_User_Guide.htm"; this.rechrgNotAllowdforUnlimitedQuantity = "Recharge is not allowed for line item having unlimited quantity"; this.areYouSureYouWantToCommit = "Do you want to move this entitlement into queue?"; this.commitEntitlement = "Queue Entitlement"; this.noProductsSelected= "No products selected"; this.editEntitlment= "Edit Entitlement"; this.editCloudEntitlment= "Edit Cloud Entitlement"; this.copyEntitlment= "Copy Entitlement"; this.copyCloudEntitlment= "Copy Cloud Entitlement"; this.newEntitlment= "+ New Entitlement"; this.newLDKEntitlment= "New On-premise Entitlement"; this.newCLOUDEntitlment= "New Cloud Entitlement"; this.activationNotAllowedContactNotFound= "You cannot activate this entitlement. The user registration is mandatory."; this.generateLicense= "Generate License"; this.previousActivations= "Previous Activations"; this.invalidRechargeQuantity= "Recharge value provided is not valid."; this.entLicenseModelSAOT= "License terms have not been specified for one or more Features"; this.entLicenseModelAttrSAOT= "License terms attribute have not been specified for one or more features"; this.requiredStartDate= "The start date cannot be blank."; this.requiredEndDate= "The end date cannot be blank."; this.invalidDate= "The date is not valid."; this.requiredQuantity= "Quantity cannot be blank or 0"; this.invalidQuantity= "Please enter valid quantity."; this.requiredNumberOfKeys= "Number of Keys cannot be blank or 0"; this.invalidNumberOfKeys= "Invalid Number of Keys provided. Please provide a valid (greater than 0) value."; this.requiredNumberOfUpdates= "Number of Updates cannot be blank or 0"; this.invalidNumberOfUpdates= "Invalid Number of Updates provided. Please provide a valid (greater than 0) value."; this.manageEntitlementHelpLink = "ManageEnt.htm"; this.addEntitlementHelpLink = "CreateEnt.htm"; this.addCloudEntitlementHelpLink = "CreateEntCloud.htm"; this.locateSentinelKeysHelpLink = "LocateProtectionKeys.htm"; this.locatedSentinelKeysHelpLink = "LocateProtectionKeys.htm#2"; this.locateCloudKeysHelpLink = "LocateCloudKeys.htm"; this.locateProvisioningContainerKeys = "ModPC.htm#LOCATE"; this.locatedCloudKeysHelpLink = "LocateCloudKeys.htm#2"; this.entSearchCustomerHelpLink = "54.htm"; this.entSearchChannelPartnerHelpLink = "55.htm"; this.editEntitlementHelpLink = "EditEnt.htm"; this.editCloudEntitlementHelpLink = "EditEnt.htm"; this.copyEntitlementHelpLink = "CopyEnt.htm"; this.copyCloudEntitlementHelpLink = "CopyEntCloud.htm"; this.generateLicenseHelpLink = "GenerateV2CtoActivate.htm"; this.prevActHelpLink = "PrevActivations.htm"; this.configureLMHelpLink = "DefLicTerm.htm"; this.configureCloudLMHelpLink = "DefLicTermCloud.htm"; this.SPETLabel = "Specify at entitlement time"; this.configureLicenseModel = "Configure License Terms"; this.licenseTerms = "License Terms"; this.HASPUpdate= "Protection Key Update"; this.sentinelKeysnotequaltoUpdates="Located Sentinel Keys not equal to Number of Updates"; this.noProductsAdded="No products added"; this.locateSentinelKeys="Locate Sentinel Keys"; this.locatedSentinelKeys="Located Sentinel Keys"; this.locateCloudKeys="Locate Provisioning Container Keys"; this.locatedCloudKeys="Located Provisioning Container Keys"; this.unabletoload="Unable to load"; this.totalQuantity="Total Quantity"; this.entitlementId="Entitlement ID"; this.completeProductKey="Complete Product Key"; this.remaining="remaining"; this.queued="Queued"; this.revoked="Revoked"; this.disabled="Disabled"; this.enabled="Enabled"; this.produce="Product Keys Generated"; this.draft="Draft"; this.completed="Completed"; this.produced="Produced"; this.acknowledged="Acknowledged"; this.HASP_LICENSE_GENERATOR = "Sentinel LDK"; this.CLOUD_LICENSE_GENERATOR = "Sentinel Cloud"; this.onlyOneProduct = "Select only one Product."; this.atleastOneProduct = "Select at least one product to proceed."; this.errorOnSession = "An error occurred while getting current session data."; this.HLKey = "Sentinel HL Keys"; this.productKey="Product Key"; this.errorLockingType= "You cannot mix HL-only and SL-only Products (whether AdminMode or UserMode). Also, you cannot mix SL-AdminMode and SL-UserMode Products."; this.errorKeyID= "The key is already selected."; this.duplicateUserID= "The Identity already exists."; this.countUserID= "Number of Identities cannot be greater than"; this.wsCustMissingName= "Customer name is missing"; this.IdentityName="Identity cannot be blank."; this.IdentityCount="Identity Count cannot be blank."; this.IdentityNameSelect="Select Identity to Remove. "; this.invalidIdentity="Invalid identity." this.toolTipHLKeyDisabled = "HL Keys (Disabled)"; this.toolTipHLKeyEnabled = "HL Keys (Enabled)"; this.toolTipProductKeyDisabled = "Product Keys (Disabled)"; this.toolTipProductKeyEnabled = "Product Keys (Enabled)"; this.toolTipProtectionKeyDisabled = "Protection Key Update (Disabled)"; this.toolTipProtectionKeyEnabled = "Protection Key Update (Enabled)"; this.toolTipNammedDisabled = "Named (Disabled)"; this.toolTipNammedEnabled = "Named (Enabled)"; this.toolTipNammedRevoked = "Named (Revoked)"; this.toolTipUnnammedDisabled = "Unnamed (Disabled)"; this.toolTipUnnammedEnabled = "Unnamed (Enabled)"; this.toolTipUnnammedRevoked = "Unnamed (Revoked) "; this.CloudEntitlementCertificateHelpLink = "EntitlementCloudCertificate.htm"; this.manageCloudIdentitiesHelpLink = "ManageIdentities.htm"; this.downloadV2CFileLimit = "Downloading more than 1000 V2C files is not supported"; this.productSelected = "product selected."; this.noProductSelected = "No product selected."; this.featureSelected = "features selected."; this.nofeatureSelected = "No features selected."; this.productKey = "Product Key"; this.hlKey = "HL Key"; this.keyUpdate = "Key Update"; this.nammed = "Named"; this.unnammed = "Unnamed"; this.buttonEntitlementDeploy = "Deploy"; this.buttonEntitlementProduce = "Produce"; this.pleaseSelectAtleastPC = "Please select at least one Provisioning Container to proceed."; this.configureLMToolTip = "Click to configure License Term for this feature."; this.modifyLMToolTip = "Click this link to modify License Terms for this feature; for multiple features select multiple rows and use Modify button above."; this.overwriteLMToolTip = "Click this link to overwrite License Terms for this feature; for multiple features select multiple rows and use Overwrite button above."; this.leaveLMToolTip = "Click this link to leave License Terms for this feature as is; for multiple features select multiple rows and use Leave button above."; this.cancelLMToolTip = "Click this link to cancel this feature; for multiple features select multiple rows and use Cancel button above."; this.removeFeatureFromProduct = "Click to remove this feature."; this.customerNameRequired = "Customer name cannot be blank."; this.selectPCID = "Please select one PCID. "; this.keyDetails = "Key Details"; this.pcKeyDetails = "Provisioning Container Details"; this.fingerprintRequired ="Fingerprint value cannot be blank."; this.fingerprintSelect = "Select at least one fingerprint to delete."; this.friendlyNameRequired = "Fingerprint Friendly Name cannot be left blank."; this.viewFingerprints = "View Fingerprints"; this.viewactiveMachines = "View Active Stations"; this.invalidC2Vfiles = "Following files are not c2v files:"; this.invalidC2VfileSize = "Following files are too large to upload:"; this.invalidFPC2Vfiles = "Selected file is not valid c2v file"; this.unableToLoadFile = "Failed to load file"; this.requiredC2VFile = "C2V cannot be null."; this.requiredVendorId = "The Vendor ID field is not valid."; this.pressAddToListButton = "Please press Add To List button for Sentinel Keys to Update"; this.produceUpdateFileHelpLink = "ProduceUpdateFile.htm"; } function RevocationMessages() { this.previousRevocations = "Previous Revocations"; this.pleaseEnterLicenseString = "Enter the license string."; this.pleaserEnterAID = "Provide an AID."; this.pleaseSelectLicenseFile = "Select the license file."; this.pleaseSelectRevocationFile = "Please upload revocation proof."; this.Uploadcorrectrevocationproof = "Upload correct revocation proof."; this.pleaseEnterRevocationOutput = "Please enter revocation output"; this.viewPreviousRevocations = "View Previous Revocations"; this.revocationProofPending = "The revocation receipt is pending."; this.revocationProofReceived = "Successfully received the revocation receipt."; this.revocationProofReceivedRecredit = "Successfully received the revocation receipt. However, the revocation re-credit is pending."; this.reCreditDone = "Successfully re-credited."; this.revocationRejected = "The revocation request is rejected."; this.fileNotFound = "The file is not found."; this.invalidFilePath = "The file path is not valid."; this.createRevocationTicket = "Create Revocation Ticket"; this.createRevocationRequest = "Create Revocation Request"; this.revocationDeleted = "Revocations deleted."; this.unableToDelete = "Encountered an internal error. Failed to delete."; this.atleastOneRevocation = "Select at least one revocation to delete."; this.confirmMarkRevoked="Are you sure you want to mark it revoked."; this.uploadRevocationTicket = "Upload Revocation Receipt"; this.confirmRevocation = "Confirm Revocation"; this.deleteRevocation = "Delete Revocation"; this.areYouSureYouWantToDelete = "Are you sure you want to Delete?"; } function TemplateMessages() { this.saveTempAttribError = "An error occurred while adding the template attribute."; this.deleteTempAttribError = "An error occurred while deleting the template attribute."; this.saveEntityTempAttribError = "An error occurred while saving the template."; this.True = "True"; this.False = "False"; this.errorDescriptionLength = "The description must not exceed 510 characters."; this.attributeFor = "Attribute List For"; this.invalidDate="Specify a valid date."; this.deleteStr = "Delete"; this.feature = "Feature"; this.product = "Product"; this.suite = "Product Suite"; this.customer = "Customer"; = "Contact"; this.Distributor = "Channel Partner"; this.showAttributes = "Custom Attributes"; this.CustomAttributesFor = "Custom attributes for"; this.customAttributesHelpLink = "EMS_User_Guide.htm"; } function CustomerMessages() { this.deletePartnerUserConfirm="Do you want to delete channel partner user(s)?"; this.addContactError="An error occurred while adding the contact."; this.billingAddrLengthError="The billing address must not exceed 510 characters."; this.shippingAddrLengthError="The shipping address must not exceed 510 characters."; this.passwordMinLengthError="The password must be at least 6 characters long."; this.passwordMaxLenghtError="The password cannot contain more than 30 characters."; this.confPwdMinLengthError="The confirm password must be at least 6 characters long."; this.confPwdMaxLengthError="The confirm password cannot contain more than 30 characters."; this.passwordMatchError="The confirm password must be same as password."; this.addCustomerError= "An error occurred while adding the customer."; this.selectToDeleteCustomer="Select at least one customer to delete."; this.selectToDeleteContact="Select at least one contact to delete."; this.contactDel="Contact deleted."; this.requiredUserId="The user ID cannot be blank."; this.distributorNameRequired="Channel partner name cannot be blank."; this.updateContactError="An error occurred while updating the contact information."; this.addbillError="An error occurred while adding the billing address."; this.addbillInfoError="An error occurred while adding the billing information."; this.addshipInfoError="An error occurred while adding the shipping information."; this.invalidEmail="Specify a valid e-mail address."; this.deleteCstrConfirmMsg = "Do you want to delete this Customer?"; this.deleteContactConfirmMsg = "Do you want to delete this Contact?"; this.enable = "Enabled"; this.disable = "Disabled"; this.unknown = "Unknown"; this.customerName = "Customer Name"; this.customerCRM = "CRM ID"; this.customerRefId = "Ref ID"; this.emailId = "E-mail"; this.contactName = "Contact Name"; this.createNewCustomer = "Create Customer"; this.createNewContact = "Create Contact"; this.editCustomer = "Edit Customer"; this.editContact = "Edit Contact"; this.addCustomerHelpLink = "CreateCustomer.htm"; this.editCustomerHelpLink = "EditCust.htm"; this.addChannelPartnerHelpLink = "CreateCP.htm"; this.editChannelPartnerHelpLink = "EditChanPart.htm"; this.manageChannelPartnerHelpLink = "ManageCP.htm"; this.manageCustomerHelpLink = "ManageCust.htm"; this.addContactHelpLink = "CreateContCust.htm"; this.addPartnerContactHelpLink = "CreateContCP.htm"; this.editContactHelpLink = "CreateContCust.htm"; this.editPartnerContactHelpLink = "CreateContCP.htm"; this.selectOneCustomerContact="Select one Contact."; this.createNewChannelPartner = "Create Channel Partner"; this.editChannelPartner = "Edit Channel Partner"; this.searchChannelPartner = "Search Channel Partner"; this.searchCustomer = "Search Customers"; this.requiredCustomerName = "Specify a valid company name."; this.requiredFirstName = "The first name cannot be blank."; this.requiredLastName = "The last name cannot be blank."; this.invalidEmail = "Specify a valid e-mail address."; this.requiredEmail = "Specify a valid e-mail address."; this.notValidValue= "The value entered is not valid."; this.deleteCPHeader= "Delete Channel Partner"; this.deleteCustHdr= "Delete Customer"; this.deleteCPartnerConfirm= "Do you want to delete this Channel Partner?"; this.InvalidMemoryId="Invalid memory address ID"; this.invalidUserNameOrPassword="Incorrect user name or password provided."; this.enabledContact="This Contact is enabled."; this.disabledContact="This Contact is disabled."; this.defaultContact="This Contact is set as default."; this.regContactError="An error occurred while registering contact."; this.customer = "Customer"; this.productAlreadyAssociated = "Cannot Change Vendor as Products are associated with this Channel Partner."; } function NamespaceMessages() { this.invalidNameRoot = "The name 'root'; is not valid."; this.errorSavingNamespace ="An error occurred while adding the product group."; this.notUniqueNamespace = "The product group specified already exists. Try again with a different name."; this.errorValidatingUniqueness = "An internal error occurred while validating a unique product group name."; this.errorDefaultException = "An internal error occurred. Contact the system administrator for assistance."; this.noDataFound = "No data found."; this.selectOneNamespaceForDelete = "Select at least one product group to delete."; this.unableToDelete = "Encountered an internal error. Failed to delete."; this.errorNamespaceDescLength = "The description must not exceed 510 characters."; this.addNamespaceHelpLink = "CreaterProdGrp.htm"; this.editNamespaceHelpLink = "EditProductGrp.htm"; this.DeleteNamespace = "Delete selected Product Group?"; this.DeleteNamespaceHeader = "Delete Product Group"; this.createNamespace = "Create Product Group"; this.editNamespace = "Edit Product Group"; this.invalidNamespace = "The Product Group provided is not valid."; this.requiredNamespaceName = "The product group name cannot be blank."; this.deployed = "Deployed"; this.notDeployed="Not Deployed"; this.Obsolete="Obsolete"; } function FeatureMessages() { this.selectDefaultLicenseModel = "Select a default license model."; this.selectLicenseModel = "Select at least one license model."; this.selectFeatureToDelete = "Select at least one feature to delete."; this.featureAlreadyExists = "The feature name already exists."; this.deleteFtrConfirmMsg = "Do you want to delete this Feature?"; this.selectLicenseModel = "Select License Model"; this.draft = "Draft"; this.complete = "Complete"; this.EndOfLife = "End of Life"; this.addFeatureHelpLink = "CreateFeature.htm"; this.editFeatureHelpLink = "EditFeatures.htm"; this.noNamespace = "Product Group is not available. Please create a Product Group."; this.version = "version"; this.feature = "Feature"; this.featureId = "Feature ID"; this.namespace = "Product Group"; this.product = "Product"; this.suite = "suite short"; this.customer = "Customer"; = "Contact"; this.entitlement = "Entitlement"; this.batch = "Batch"; this.channelpartner = "Channel Partner"; this.FtrIdentifierRequired = "Please enter valid Feature ID between 1 and 65471."; this.featureIdAvailable = "Feature ID is available."; this.featureIdNotAvailable = "Feature ID is not available."; this.DeleteFeatureHeader = "Delete Feature"; this.DeleteFeature = "Delete selected feature?"; this.deployed = "Deployed"; this.createFeature = "+ Add Features"; this.editFeature = "Edit Feature"; this.requiredFeatureName = "The feature name cannot be blank."; this.ftrIdentifierRequired = "Please enter valid Feature ID between 1 and 65471."; this.requiredVersion = "Version cannot be blank."; this.confirmRename = "The feature is in use. Do you want to rename it anyway?"; this.errorDescriptionFeatureLength = "The description cannot exceed 1,024 characters."; this.createNewFeature = "Create Feature"; } function SuiteMessages() { this.noProductAvailable = "No product is available."; this.suiteNameMinLength = "The product suite name must be at least 3 characters long."; this.atleastOneSuite = "Select at least one product suite to proceed."; this.completedSuite = "A suite in complete stage must have at least one product associated."; this.suiteNameExists = "The product suite name already exists."; this.selectProduct = "Select Product"; this.draft = "Draft"; this.complete = "Complete"; this.EndOfLife = "End of Life"; this.DefineUpgradeUpsellProductLabel = "New Relation"; this.View="View"; this.Copy="Copy"; this.copySuite="Copy Product Suite"; this.editSuite="Edit Product Suite"; this.deleteSuiteConfirmMsg = "Do you want to delete this Suite?"; } function ProductMessages() { this.noFeatureAvailable = "No feature is available."; this.productAlreadyExists = "The product name already exists."; this.atleastOneSuite = "Select at least one product suite to proceed."; this.completedProduct = "A product in complete stage must have at least one feature associated."; this.noFeatureSetAvailable = "No feature set is available."; this.productStatusChanged = "The product status is changed."; this.unableToChangeState = "Unable to change the state."; this.deleteProdConfirmMsg = "Delete selected product and all its derived Products?"; this.deleteCloudProdConfirmMsg = "Delete selected product?"; this.DeleteProductHeader = "Delete Product"; this.selectProductToDelete = "Select at least one product to delete."; this.selectFeature = "Product Feature"; this.draft = "Draft"; this.complete = "Complete"; this.EndOfLife = "End of Life"; this.featureOn="On"; this.featureAlwaysOn="Always On"; this.featureOff="Off"; this.DefineUpgradeUpsellProductLabel="New Relation"; this.View="View"; this.Copy="Copy"; this.EOL="EOL"; this.manageProductHelpLink = "ManageProds.htm"; this.addProductHelpLink = "CreateProduct.htm"; this.addCloudProductHelpLink = "CreateProductCloud.htm"; this.editCloudProductHelpLink = "EditProduct.htm"; this.editProductHelpLink = "EditProduct.htm"; this.productIdAvailable = "Product ID is available."; this.productIdNotAvailable = "Product ID is not available."; this.selectatleast1Feature = "Select at least one Feature."; this.noVariantsFound = "No variants found"; this.noNamespace = "Product Group is not available. Please create a Product Group."; this.saveAsDraft = "Save as Draft"; = "Save"; this.requiredProductName = "The product name cannot be blank."; this.requiredProductVersion = "Version cannot be blank."; this.requiredVersion = "Version cannot be blank."; this.productIdentifierRequired = "Please enter valid product ID between 2 and 65471."; this.addProvProductHelpLink = "DefProvProd.htm"; this.addModProductHelpLink = "DefModProd.htm"; this.addCanProductHelpLink = "DefProdCanc.htm"; this.copyProductHelpLink = "CopyProd.htm"; this.SPETLabel = "Specify at entitlement time"; this.configureLMHelpLink = "DefLicTerm.htm"; this.configureLicenseModel = "Configure License Terms"; this.licenseTerms = "License Terms"; this.createProvisionalProduct="Create Unlocked Product"; this.createCancellationProduct="Create Cancellation Product"; this.addProduct="+ New Product"; this.addLDKProduct="New On-premise Product"; this.addCLOUDProduct="New Cloud Product"; this.editLDKProduct="Edit On-premise Product"; this.editCLOUDProduct="Edit Cloud Product"; this.createModificationProduct="Create Modification Product"; this.editProduct="Edit Product"; this.copyProduct="Copy Product"; this.unlicensed="Unlicensed (cancel license)"; this.leaveAsItIs="Leave as it is"; this.productId="Product ID"; this.baseProductName="Base Product"; this.confirmRename ="The product is in use. Do you want to rename it anyway?"; this.HASP_LICENSE_GENERATOR = "Sentinel LDK"; this.CLOUD_LICENSE_GENERATOR = "Sentinel Cloud"; this.dateTimeNotSync = "Provide both date and time or leave both fields blank."; this.copyLDKProduct= "Copy On-premise Product"; this.copyCLOUDProduct = "Copy Cloud Product"; this.copyCLOUDProductHelpLink = "CopyProdCloud.htm"; this.configureCloudLMHelpLink = "DefLicTermCloud.htm"; this.refId1 ="Ref ID 1"; this.refId2 ="Ref ID 2"; this.description ="Description"; this.configure = "Configure"; this.modify = "Modify"; this.leave = "Leave"; this.overwrite = "Overwrite"; this.cancel = "Cancel"; this.View = "View"; this.featureList = "Features List"; = "ID"; this.onPremise = "On-premise"; this.typeBase = "Base"; this.cloudEnforcement = "Cloud"; this.daysLimitWarning = "The Number of Days is greater than 90. Ensure that license for 'Unlocked Unlimited Module' is available in the Sentinel Master Key before bundling the Unlocked Product. "; this.dateLimitWarning = "The Expiry Date is after 90 days. Ensure that license for 'Unlocked Unlimited Module' is available in the Sentinel Master Key before bundling the Unlocked Product."; } function ReportsMessages() { this.pleaseSelectAtleastOneDate = "Specify at least one date to proceed."; this.endDateValidation = "The end date must be ahead of the start date."; this.pleaseSelectEndDate = "Specify a valid end date."; this.ValidEndDate= "The end date must be ahead of the start date."; } function LicenseManagement() { this.LicenseModelMaxLen = "The license model name can contain up to 255 characters."; } function BatchEntitlement() { this.pending = "Pending"; this.success = "Success"; this.inProgress = "In-progress"; this.failed = "Failed"; this.saveBatchEntitlementError= "An error occurred while saving the batch details."; this.pleaseSelectBatchToDelete= "Select at least one batch to delete."; this.unableToDeleteBatch= "Unable to delete the batch entitlement."; this.BatchProductAlreadyExist = "This product is already a part of the batch entitlement."; this.BatchSuiteAlreadyExist = "This suite is already a part of the batch entitlement."; this.BatchSuccess="Batch created successfully"; this.notificationEmail="Notification E-mail Address"; this.commitConfirm = "Are you sure?"; this.commitHeader = "Commit Batch"; this.noOfEntitlements = "Number of Entitlements"; this.deleteHeader = "Delete Batch Entitlement"; } function EMSConstants() { this.standalone = "1"; = "2"; this.maxHTMLPageSize= "100"; this.revocationPending = "1"; this.revocationComplete = "2"; this.revocationConfirm = "3"; this.revocationRejected = "4"; this.RMS_VERSION_12 = "8.3.0"; } function EntitlementConstants() { this.revokeUsingAID = "1"; this.revokeUsingLicenseFile = "3"; this.revokeUsingLicenseString = "2"; this.uploadRevokeOutputUsingString = "1"; this.uploadRevokeOutputUsingFile = "2"; this.lineItemActivate = "1"; this.lineItemPrevAct = "2"; this.lineItemRevoke = "3"; this.lineItemPrevRevoke = "4"; this.ACT_ACTIVATED = "2"; this.ACT_REVOKED_PARTIALLY = "4"; this.ACT_DRAFT = "1"; this.ENT_DISABLED = "9"; this.ENT_COMPLETE = "2"; this.ENT_DRAFT = "1"; this.updateUsingAID = "1"; this.updateUsingLicenseFile = "3"; this.updateUsingLicenseString = "2"; } function LockingAttributes() { this.PRIMARY_1_CRITERIA_woHex = "Primary 1 criteria"; this.PRIMARY_2_CRITERIA_woHex = "Primary 2 criteria"; this.PRIMARY_3_CRITERIA_woHex = "Primary 3 criteria"; this.PRIMARY_4_CRITERIA_woHex = "Primary 4 criteria"; this.PRIMARY_5_CRITERIA_woHex = "Primary 5 criteria"; this.PRIMARY_6_CRITERIA_woHex = "Primary 6 criteria"; this.PRIMARY_7_CRITERIA_woHex = "Primary 7 criteria"; this.PRIMARY_8_CRITERIA_woHex = "Primary 8 criteria"; this.PRIMARY_9_CRITERIA_woHex = "Primary 9 criteria"; this.PRIMARY_10_CRITERIA_woHex = "Primary 10 criteria"; this.PRIMARY_11_CRITERIA_woHex = "Primary 11 criteria"; this.CLIENT_1_CRITERIA_woHex = "Client 1 criteria"; this.CLIENT_2_CRITERIA_woHex = "Client 2 criteria"; this.CLIENT_3_CRITERIA_woHex = "Client 3 criteria"; this.CLIENT_4_CRITERIA_woHex = "Client 4 criteria"; this.CLIENT_5_CRITERIA_woHex = "Client 5 criteria"; this.CLIENT_6_CRITERIA_woHex = "Client 6 criteria"; this.CLIENT_7_CRITERIA_woHex = "Client 7 criteria"; this.PRIMARY_1_CRITERIA_CLIENT_1_CRITERIA = "Primary 1 criteria/Client 1 criteria"; this.PRIMARY_2_CRITERIA_CLIENT_2_CRITERIA = "Primary 2 criteria/Client 2 criteria"; this.PRIMARY_3_CRITERIA_CLIENT_3_CRITERIA = "Primary 3 criteria/Client 3 criteria"; this.PRIMARY_4_CRITERIA_CLIENT_4_CRITERIA = "Primary 4 criteria/Client 4 criteria"; this.PRIMARY_5_CRITERIA_CLIENT_5_CRITERIA = "Primary 5 criteria/Client 5 criteria"; this.PRIMARY_6_CRITERIA_CLIENT_6_CRITERIA = "Primary 6 criteria/Client 6 criteria"; this.PRIMARY_7_CRITERIA_CLIENT_7_CRITERIA = "Primary 7 criteria/Client 7 criteria"; this.USERNODE_1_CRITERIA="Usernode 1 criteria (in hex)"; this.USERNODE_2_CRITERIA="Usernode 2 criteria (in hex)"; this.USERNODE_3_CRITERIA="Usernode 3 criteria (in hex)"; this.USERNODE_4_CRITERIA="Usernode 4 criteria (in hex)"; this.USERNODE_5_CRITERIA="Usernode 5 criteria (in hex)"; this.USERNODE_6_CRITERIA="Usernode 6 criteria (in hex)"; this.USERNODE_7_CRITERIA="Usernode 7 criteria (in hex)"; this.USERNODE_1_CRITERIA_woHex="Usernode 1 criteria"; this.USERNODE_2_CRITERIA_woHex="Usernode 2 criteria"; this.USERNODE_3_CRITERIA_woHex="Usernode 3 criteria"; this.USERNODE_4_CRITERIA_woHex="Usernode 4 criteria"; this.USERNODE_5_CRITERIA_woHex="Usernode 5 criteria"; this.USERNODE_6_CRITERIA_woHex="Usernode 6 criteria"; this.USERNODE_7_CRITERIA_woHex="Usernode 7 criteria"; } function DistributorMessages() { this.partnerName = "Channel Partner Name"; this.refId1 ="Ref ID 1"; this.refId2 ="Ref ID 2"; this.deletePartnerConfirm="Do you want to delete this Channel Partner?"; this.channelPartners="Channel Partners"; this.deletePartnerUserConfirm="Do you want to delete channel partner user(s)?"; this.selectAtleastOnePartnerUser="Select at least one channel partner user to delete."; this.selectOneChPartnerUser="Select one channel partner user to edit."; this.DistributorNameRequired="Channel partner name cannot be blank."; } function jsloginMessages() { this.noPermissions="You have no permission on any module, please contact administrator."; this.userName="Enter your user name."; } function scheduleReportsMessages(){ this.SRDay="Day"; this.SRWeek="Week"; this.SRMonth="Month"; this.SRQuarter="Quarter"; this.SRYear="Year"; this.srInvalidValue="The value entered is not valid."; this.standalone2="STANDALONE"; this.network2="NETWORK"; this.pdf="PDF"; this.excel="Excel"; this.rtf="RTF"; this.html="HTML"; this.csv="CSV"; this.SRActive="Active"; this.SRSuspended="Suspended"; this.SRNotReady="Not Ready"; this.srStatus="Status"; this.srReport="Report"; this.srFrequency="Frequency"; this.srUser="User"; this.srEmail="E-mail"; this.srError="Error occurred"; this.srLastRun="Last Run:"; this.srGenerationDate="Generation Date"; this.scheduledReports="Scheduled Reports";"Download"; this.srRecipientsUsersTooltip="This user is not associated with your Batch Code."; this.cannotEnableScheduledReport="You cannot activate the Scheduled Report, since the associated Custom Report is disabled. Enable the Custom Report first."; } function jsLibInterfaceMessages(){ this.retrievingData="An error occurred while retrieving the data for popup"; this.Invaliddataentered="Invalid data entered, please check for special characters in form fields"; this.Invalidmethodtype="Invalid method type, only GET or POST value is allowed"; this.notANumber="Provide an integer greater than 0."; this.blank="This field cannot be left blank."; this.invalidEmail="This is not a valid Email."; this.invalidHexa="Given value is not a valid hexadecimal number"; this.notInRange="Entered value should be in range"; this.notADate="Enter a valid date."; this.Invalidconstraint="Invalid constraint value for"; this.field="field"; this.Timeout="Timeout,Failed to load the modules"; this.errorLoadingFile="Error while loading file"; } function CustomReportsMessages() { this.selectOneCustomReport="Select one Custom Report."; this.unableToDelete = "Encountered an internal error. Failed to delete."; this.creationIsNotAvailableForCustomReport = "Custom reports cannot be used. Either the Master key is not connected or the required license for this feature does not exist on the Master key."; this.createNewCustomReport = "Create Custom Report"; this.editCustomReport = "Edit Custom Report"; this.editingIsNotAvailableForCustomReport = "You cannot edit the Custom Report, since a Scheduled Report exists for this Custom Report."; this.deletingIsNotAvailableForCustomReport = "You cannot delete the Custom Report, since a Scheduled Report exists for this Custom Report."; }